Announcement of ACTFL Executive Director Resignation

Berman news

From the ACTFL Board of Directors

It is with a combination of gratitude and sadness that the ACTFL Board of Directors announces Howie Berman’s departure as Executive Director of ACTFL, effective October 31, 2023. While we will miss his strong leadership and unparalleled commitment to ACTFL’s mission, we wish him well in his future endeavors.

We want to recognize Howie for his distinguished record of service, highlighted by several accomplishments during his tenure as Executive Director, including the development of a new organizational vision and values, successfully navigating ACTFL through the COVID-19 pandemic, the establishment of the Language Connects Foundation, and a renewed focus on equity, inclusion, and social justice in our classrooms and beyond.

Howie has graciously offered to ensure a smooth transition as we begin the search process for a new Executive Director. As more details on that process become available, we will share them with you. We want to assure you that ACTFL is well-prepared to move forward. ACTFL’s staff and leadership are top-notch, and we will continue to lead as we have always done.

Once again, we want to express our gratitude for the many years of dedicated and passionate service Howie has given ACTFL. He has exemplified professionalism and grace, and our community is better positioned because of his vision and leadership.


The ACTFL Board of Directors

From Howie Berman, Executive Director, ACTFL

After nearly 13 years with ACTFL, I recently submitted my resignation as Executive Director to pursue new opportunities in the non-profit association space. While this decision was difficult, I am extremely proud of all we’ve accomplished as an organization, keenly aware of the challenges the language education profession still faces.

I am very grateful for the trust and support of so many during my journey at ACTFL, including the incredible staff, Board, our Past Presidents, volunteers, and countless colleagues, partners, and friends. Serving as ACTFL Executive Director has been the single greatest honor of my 22-year association career. I believe strongly in the transformative power of language, and this profession’s critical role in ensuring access to language and multicultural education for all, not just the privileged elite.

I’m excited to see where ACTFL goes from here and will watch with great anticipation to see it move closer toward fulfilling its important mission.

In solidarity,

Howie Berman
Executive Director, ACTFL