Haydee Taylor-Arnold

Special Member Spotlight - Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

Haydee Taylor Arnold

Special Hispanic Heritage Month Member Spotlight: Meet Haydee Taylor-Arnold

FLAM President 2021-2023, Ladue Horton Watkins High School, Ladue, MO

Level: High School

I teach: Spanish

What significance does your cultural identity hold for you?

I take pride in my cultural identity. My experience of coming to the United States has been enlightening, allowing me to fully embrace and celebrate my true self. My cultural identity is not just a part of me; it's a source of inspiration, connection, and personal growth that shapes how I perceive the world and interact with others.

How does it play into your role as a World Language teacher?

I am very passionate about teaching and sharing the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture with my students. From the very beginning, I've been open about my own background - I proudly identify as Panamanian, with a heritage that encompasses Spanish, Indigenous, and African influences. Panama itself is a melting pot of diverse racial backgrounds, and I find immense joy in imparting cultural insights not only about Panama but also about other Spanish-speaking countries, and Hispanic Heritage Month stands out as one of the most significant celebrations in my classroom.

Tell us something interesting that others wouldn’t know about you.

I am thankful for the opportunity to be a first-generation Ph.D. candidate, and it is an absolute honor to serve as the second Latina president of the Foreign Language Association of Missouri (FLAM).

If you would like to be featured for Hispanic Heritage Month, please contact membership@actfl.org! We would love to celebrate you!