Author Guidelines for Research Briefs

Spring 2023

The ACTFL Research Briefs are short reports that are intended to provide an accessible summary of current research relating to world language education in the United States. The intended audience is stakeholders like administrators, legislators, state boards of education, school board members, students, and parents.

General structure:

  • Main text of 1000-1500 (not including highlights or references)
  • One level of headings marking the main sections of the brief
  • Highlights section (in lieu of a formal abstract) that lists the main findings in no more than five bullets


  • Begins with a substantial, friendly, introductory paragraph
  • Written for the non-specialist throughout
  • Can end in policy/educator recommendations, but it does not have to


  • 15 references or fewer
  • APA 7th Edition
  • Primary focus on foreign/world language education in the US
  • Peer-reviewed journal articles, chapters, and books (nothing unpublished/unreviewed)
  • Priority on the past 10-20 years
  • 1-3 key readings marked with an asterisk

To submit: Email the final version in a Word document to and Do not include any author identifying information in the document for an anonymous review – send author information within the email.