Assessment and Research

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ACTFL supports PK-12 schools and institutions of higher education in areas of assessment and articulation:

  • to develop and maintain high-quality language proficiency assessments
  • to train, certify and maintain highly reliable testers and raters
  • to conduct research on proficiency and performance outcomes
  • to collaborate with other language organizations and government agencies to support and promote research in the areas of high-quality language teaching and learning, including examining implications for teacher education.

ACTFL Assessment and Research

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ACTFL Assessments

ACTFL proficiency tests are used worldwide by academic institutions, government agencies and private corporations for purposes such as: academic placement, student assessment, program evaluation, professional certification, hiring, and promotional qualification.

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Tester & Rater Certification

ACTFL Certified Testers and Raters represent a critical resource to their academic institutions and to the world language profession.

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Institutional Workshops

Expert facilitators with a wide range of linguistic, professional and educational backgrounds. We can accommodate groups of LCTL educators, native and indigenous language communities, and international schools.

Funding for Critical Research

We provide Research Priorities Grants to ACTFL members for empirical research on six priority areas that are currently critical to improving World Language education. Submissions open each spring.

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The Language Educator Magazine

Our quarterly magazine provides educators of all languages at all levels with comprehensive and timely coverage of news and information.

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Internship & Scholars Program

A pathway to the profession with projects framed by ACTFL to further its research priorities, professional learning and other projects. Opportunities open annually each spring.