ACTFL and Language Testing International (LTI), the exclusive licensee of ACTFL assessments, are proud to announce the launch of this year’s ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) on September 15, 2021.
The AAPPL 2021-22 continues to follow the design created by a diverse group of experienced world language educators. This year’s test items are aligned to the updated comprehensive list of AAPPL topics (as previously announced).
The AAPPL 2021-22 also features an update to the format of the Advanced Interpretive Listening (IL) and Interpretive Reading (IR) test items. In addition to long listening passages and reading texts with four multiple choice questions each, there will be short paragraph-length passages and texts, each with a single multiple choice question. This innovation is intended to improve the test taker’s overall experience and allow for greater variety in the topics and language being assessed while continuing to maintain a high degree of consistency in the test’s validity and reliability.
AAPPL, developed by ACTFL and administered by LTI, is an assessment of proficiency and performance designed to complement classroom-based language learning. As an assessment of K-12 standards-based tasks across the three modes of communication as defined by the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, AAPPL assesses Interpretive Reading, Interpretive Listening, Interpersonal Listening/Speaking, and Presentational Writing. The AAPPL is currently available in Arabic, Chinese-Mandarin, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. ACTFL’s website provides more detailed information about the AAPPL, including demos and helpful tools for teachers.
For those seeking language assessment options for Hindi, Russian, and Thai, starting in January 2022, ACTFL will be offering these languages through the ACTFL OPI & WPT SOBL(SOBL) assessment.