LCF/Vista Microgrants Video Submission

Please complete the form below. If you have any questions, contact the Language Connects Foundation (LCF).

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Grant Recipient Name:

Video Release Acknowledgment 
  • I grant to LCF and Vista Higher Learning, their representatives, and employees, the right to use my or my organization’s video/photo, in connection with the Microgrants Program, including using and publishing it electronically.
  • I agree that LCF and Vista Higher Learning may use my video/photo for any lawful purpose, including but not limited to publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content, so long as they give me credit as the creator/owner of the video.
  • If the video/photo I upload depicts any individuals other than myself, it is my responsibility to provide LCF with a signed photo release form for each person shown at the time of submission (releases must include a parent/guardian signature for minors).

Please upload a short video (45 seconds), in an MP4 file format, sharing your name, language and level taught, and anticipated use for the funds. Maximum file size is 400MB.