The Mentoring Program is conducted in-person; virtually over email, Skype, or phone; or a combination of those methods.
Mentors and mentees are matched by language, level, interest and location as best as possible. The following guidelines were developed for both mentors and mentees to help guide their interactions.
- Mentors are responsible for conveying and upholding the standards, norms, and values of the profession.
- Mentors are responsible for establishing and maintaining a level of trust and confidentiality that enables the mentees to speak freely about the problems they are facing, their frustrations and challenges without fear that others will learn about them.
- Mentors nurture the talents and abilities of the mentees offering support, challenge, patience and enthusiasm while guiding them to new levels of competence.
- Mentors are pro-active sharing resources, articles, research, and professional development opportunities etc. that are beneficial for the mentee.
- Mentees must be upfront and open about their expectations from the program, and how they want the pairing to go. Some mentees prefer more information pairings, and some prefer regular scheduled check-ins. It is the role of the mentee to decide the nature of the pairing.
- Mentors are leaders sharing their personal experiences, knowledge and skills while at the same time listening to the thoughts and experiences of the mentee.
- Mentors gain insight into the needs and expectations of the mentees.
- It is expected that the mentor/mentee relationship will develop and change over time as they establish a positive relationship as peers and colleagues who share ongoing experiences and professional growth.
- Mentor and mentee determine the best form of communication and the schedule of communication.
- Mentor and mentee determine the frequency of communication, although communication should occur a minimum of once per month
- Mentor and mentees are encouraged to arrange a meeting, if both are attending the same event.
- Mentor and mentees are encouraged to attend and meet at the ACTFL Convention.
Questions? Contact us