Educators Rising

Educators Rising header

Your language learners may be future language educators! Join the Educators Rising initiative and engage your students to explore language teaching as a career. With extensive input from users and focus groups, ACTFL has reimagined and redesigned 10 ready-to-use modules for you to lead activities with your high school and college students. Over 60% of teachers teach within 20 miles of where they went to high school! Use these modules as the solution for schools or districts interested in establishing a pathway to turn language learners into language teachers.

The Teacher Shortage Challenge is Real

Today's teacher recruitment pipeline needs to be expanded. For the 2017-18 academic year, at least 49 of 56 U.S. states and territories experienced shortages in teachers qualified to teach World Languages and Bilingual Education. Declining teacher education enrollments, increasing K-12 student enrollments, and high teacher attrition rates all contribute to the challenge. And shortages are only projected to grow. By 2025, there could be a hiring gap of 100,000 teachers annually. It's time to reimagine how we recruit and nurture the next generation of World Language teachers. The solution is clear: Use ACTFL’s Educators Rising resources to increase and enhance the supply of well-qualified World Language educators.

Get Inspired

Ready-to-use modules provide all the materials you need for Educators Rising sessions with your students: educator facilitator guides, links to articles and videos, ready-made presentations, discussion topics, and more that will keep your language learners engaged. Extended activities and suggested projects allow you and your future educators to move at your own pace. Offer students a vision of the future where teaching a world language is empowering -- both to them and their students.

How to Access the Materials

Due to our Learning Management System transition, the ACTFL’s Educators Rising modules in English and in Spanish have been moved to a new location. By accessing the modules below, you will find a Getting Started guide, separate folders for the English and Spanish versions as well as instructions on how to download and save the materials.

Access The Modules

We look forward to engaging with you in this critical initiative to address teacher recruitment and retention. Stay tuned for the future releases of the ACTFL’s Educators Rising modules in French and in Arabic! Please direct any inquiries to