Your language learners may be future language educators! Join the Educators Rising initiative and engage your students to explore language teaching as a career. With extensive input from users and focus groups, ACTFL has reimagined and redesigned 10 ready-to-use modules for you to lead activities with your high school and college students. Over 60% of teachers teach within 20 miles of where they went to high school! Use these modules as the solution for schools or districts interested in establishing a pathway to turn language learners into language teachers.
The Teacher Shortage Challenge is Real
Today's teacher recruitment pipeline needs to be expanded. For the 2017-18 academic year, at least 49 of 56 U.S. states and territories experienced shortages in teachers qualified to teach World Languages and Bilingual Education. Declining teacher education enrollments, increasing K-12 student enrollments, and high teacher attrition rates all contribute to the challenge. And shortages are only projected to grow. By 2025, there could be a hiring gap of 100,000 teachers annually. It's time to reimagine how we recruit and nurture the next generation of World Language teachers. The solution is clear: Use ACTFL’s Educators Rising resources to increase and enhance the supply of well-qualified World Language educators.