2021 Hall of Fame Nominee
Lancaster, PA
2021 Finalist from NECTFL
The United States is a country of ongoing demographic shifts and important social progress; this national history continues into the present as communities of the twenty-first century undergo cultural and linguistic changes. Our society is growing more diverse in language, ethnicity, and cultural expression, and we are having important conversations about peace, justice, values, and a national ethos. These changes and progress translate into a more culturally rich community that, by nature, relies on a public able to interact with and serve linguistically diverse communities, recognize and value unique cultures, and understand and empathize with fellow citizens.
World language educators play a vital role within these culturally rich yet challenging circumstances. We have the opportunity to teach our students languages that can connect them to the people and communities around them. We are in the privileged position of showing students the beauty in cultural differences and drawing their attention to similarities that may otherwise go unnoticed. We introduce them to foods, clothing, media, and languages that were once considered "foreign" yet are now part of their daily lives.