Hortonville High School
Hortonville, WI
2019 Finalist from CSCTFL
Seventeen years ago, I proposed to my district school board a Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools (FLES) program for all our students because I believe that all students can and should learn another language and understand other cultures. According to Eurostat Statistics it has been mandatory for several decades for most European children to learn at least one foreign language and the Barcelona European Council recommended in 2002 that a minimum of two foreign languages should be taught to all pupils from a very early age. All students should have this opportunity, unfortunately, world language in the United States is generally an elective course primarily available only to older students. This must change.
The benefits of language learning go far beyond the well-known cognitive, academic and economic benefits. Learning another language requires students to take risks, accept mistakes, reexamine their own cultural viewpoint and begin to see the world from diverse perspectives. Through culturally rich language study my students are exposed to art, music, history, geography, and literature that they might otherwise never experience and certainly could not appreciate in the same way as they can under the guidance of a skillful language teacher who draws the students’ attention to the underlying cultural practices and beliefs held within these elements.