Skyline High School
Front Royal, VA
2019 Finalist from SCOLT
In today’s global society, it is essential that our students are not only learning a language, but are also developing cultural competence. Within my classroom, I feel that all students can learn a language and can develop an understanding of the world around them. Teaching in a small rural county in Virginia where many of my students come from low socio-economic backgrounds, I find that it is my job to open my students eyes to the world through French class. In my classroom, I do whatever is necessary to not only help my students to learn the language, but also to help them understand the French culture. When my students walk into the classroom, they are immediately immersed in the language and culture through all my classroom decor and live streaming French radio. My students also become connected with our partner school and as a result, they form friendships with students in France that will continue to develop over the years.