2017 Hall of Fame Nominee
West High School
Anchorage, AK
2017 Finalist from PNCFL
What is the value of language? One might as well ask, “What is the value of breathing?” “Language is a people’s greatest treasure,” says Sholokhov. Language, as Russians say about their poet Pushkin, is our “all.”
Our Nigerian custodian shocked my students when he told them that he spoke nine languages, and was less fluent in five others. He needed these languages for basic, daily transactions at home. My Dutch relatives always suggest we speak in a language that is a second one for both parties. They claim that while the person speaking her first language feels confident, the person speaking a second language is actually more powerful in a conversation. A second language for both levels the playing field. While these relatives won’t let my husband speak the Dutch he has mastered, they respect him for keeping up with them in French.