2016 Hall of Fame Nominee
East Valley High School
Spokane, WA
2016 Finalist from PNCFL
The first time I traveled to a Spanish-speaking country was during my senior year of high school. I participated in a trip that was organized by a local high school. We landed in Mexico City, and after checking into our hotel, went to sleep since we needed to be at breakfast at 6 AM. Breakfast was interesting, to say the least. I did not like anything that was served and was surprised that we weren’t having what I considered to be “breakfast food” (onions, tomatoes, peppers, and “green stuff” just didn’t appeal to my 17-year-old palette). Had I been exposed to other cultures, I may have appreciated this new opportunity.
After spending two days in Mexico City, we traveled to Cuernavaca, where we lived with a family. This was my first experience having to rely on another language to communicate. Nobody that lived in the household spoke English. I also quickly learned that the daily schedule and customs were very different than what I had grown up with.