Make Your Case To Attend ACTFL 2024
Directly ask your supervisor or administrator for funding/reimbursement by following these suggestions:
Informally inquire about the possibility of attending ACTFL 2024.
Example: ACTFL’s Annual World Language Convention & Expo happens this November. It is the premier professional learning opportunity available for world language educators. You can learn more about it on the ACTFL Convention website. Attending is a way for me to meet leading teacher voices, research scholars, and language experts to continue my growth in service of building our students’ intercultural communicative competence. May I access funds to support this important experience for me?
Formally state your case for attendance at ACTFL 2024. Sample Administrator Letter.
Note: A best practice is to lift up the anticipated impact that attending will have on your instructional practices and that of your colleagues (e.g., by presenting back to them key takeaways from the professional learning upon returning), and therefore, on student learning and achievement.