COVID-19 Response

ACTFL has worked with our testing partner LTI to assemble info and resources for at-home AAPPL, ALIRA, and other Seal of Biliteracy testing which involved parent/guardian proctoring

At home proctoring

As these are such unprecedented and challenging times for all, please expect ongoing updates, as well as continuing improvements to these new processes.

LTI has created a COVID-19 Response Site which features up-to-date information on all remote (at-home) testing options. Updates will be on-going, so please check back frequently. Thank you for your patience and flexibility.

ACTFL Assessments are recognized as the gold standard for language performance and proficiency testing. ACTFL proficiency tests are used worldwide by academic institutions, government agencies and private corporations for purposes such as: academic placement, student assessment, program evaluation, professional certification, hiring, and promotional qualification.